Podcasting for Humans is known for “honest conversations about podcasting problems,” but we're making a slight pivot this year. In our new format, we’ll be featuring “honest conversations about the art and heart of podcasting.”
Starting next week, the podcast will have a slightly different feel, but the core will remain the same: exploring human side of podcasting through open and honest conversations.
Why am I making this pivot now? Well, a few reasons:
Shifting Focus: From Problems to Journeys
This new version of Podcasting for Humans moves away from solely focusing on the struggles and problems of podcasters. Instead, we'll be delving into the hopes, fears, regrets, and lessons learned along the podcasting journey. We're opening up the podcast to a wider range of possibilities.
This might seem counterintuitive from a marketing perspective, but I believe this approach will allow for a more organic approach to conversations, and will ultimately pull into focus what I do best.
From Consultations to Connections
Initially, I tried offering a "fly on the wall" perspective of a typical consultation between me and clients. While this showcased my approach and expertise, it started to feel inauthentic and forced. The pressure to create a neat resolution with each conversation wasn't always natural, and it limited the exploration of real-life scenarios.
The Power of Long-Form Interviews
That's why I'm excited about this shift to more traditional long-form interviews. This format allows me to truly connect with guests, mine their life experiences, and draw out a more accurate sense of their podcasting journeys. It's about helping them feel seen and understood, rather than simply giving advice.
Finding My Flow and Building Connections
The truth is, the advice column approach resonated with me less and less over the last 14 episodes. I'm confident in my ability to give good advice, but I felt a sense of pretense when forced to provide conclusive solutions in every 30 minute episode. Good podcast advice doesn’t always work that way!
This new format allows me to connect with guests organically and offer my expertise in a more natural and personalized way. This, I believe, will lead to more relatable and impactful conversations.
Ultimately, this pivot is about giving myself space to do what I do best: long-form interviews that foster genuine connection. It’s an approach that will inevitably be better for my brain, the guests, and the audience. It allows for open-mindedness, exploration, and conversations that unfold authentically, without the constraints of a rigid agenda.
Podcasting For Humans, honest conversations about the art and heart of podcasting, gets a fresh start next week!
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