Podcasting for Humans
Podcasting for Humans
It's Okay to Make Podcasting Your Hobby (with Alex from "Time For Your Hobby")

It's Okay to Make Podcasting Your Hobby (with Alex from "Time For Your Hobby")

Forget "return on investment" for a minute and remember the point of all this: connection.

This week I welcomed Alex, veteran host behind the hobby podcast Time For Your Hobby, a podcast that’s gone well beyond the 200 episode mark. As someone who's witnessed the podcasting world evolve for over half a decade, Alex has noticed a change to the podcasting world over the years. What began for many of us as a collaborative medium driven by curiosity and passion has in some corners morphed into an echo chamber of cliques more concerned with defending superior approaches than hearing each other out.

As Alex observed, podcasting culture increasingly devolves into tribalism - the celebrity household names, the hustler bros fixated on downloads, the creatives obsessed with polish and perfection, the niche hobbyists seen as quaint amateurs. Between them brew assumptions and hostility where once there was camaraderie and mutual support.

I realized in the course of our conversation that I slip into that at times myself, looking down on or making assumptions about those with different priorities. But Alex maintains his long-running hobby podcast to this day purely for the joy of making connections. He’s living proof that podcasting at its best remains an open, dynamic medium that defies the often rigid expectations of what constitutes success.

By assuming we know others’ motivations and approaches without asking thoughtful questions first, we undermine the diversity that should be our community’s strength. We forget this playground was built for experimentation, not echo chambers. So I aim to lead by example moving forward - making space for hobbyists and professionals alike, meeting superficial differences with empathy rather than judgment. Because as veterans like Alex remind me, there are countless right reasons to start speaking into a mic. We just need to hear them.

On this episode we discuss:

🎙️How and why podcasting culture has shifted over time from collaborative to increasingly fractured and competitive

🎙️The four kinds of podcast cliques that Richard came up with off the top of his head

🎙️The various legitimate podcasting styles and goals that motivate people

Check out Alex's podcast, Time For Your Hobby.

Follow Alex on Twitter.

Podcasting for Humans is an Area Code Audio production.

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Podcasting for Humans
Podcasting for Humans
Every week on Podcasting for Humans, Area Code Audio founder Richard Clark invites a guest on the show for an open, honest, and vulnerable conversation about the doubts, struggles, and problems that come with making a podcast.