Podcasting for Humans
Podcasting for Humans
Moving Past The Podcasting Shame Spiral, with Kiel Hauck

Moving Past The Podcasting Shame Spiral, with Kiel Hauck

Kiel Hauck has been producing successful music podcast, Long Live the Music, for years. It was always supposed to be for fun. Now that his life has changed, he has less time to keep up the consistency. So what can he do with the shame he feels when he drops the ball?

We explore:

  • How podcasting is good for friendships

  • When consistency is important for a podcast - and when it's not

  • Why shame is surprisingly common among podcasters

Check out Kiel Hauck's podcast, Long Live the Music.

Follow Kiel Hauck on Twitter.

Podcasting for Humans is an Area Code Audio production.

Looking to start a podcast, but feeling anxiety around the execution? Check out our Podcast Creation Package and let Area Code Audio help you get started on the right foot.

Discussion about this podcast

Podcasting for Humans
Podcasting for Humans
Every week on Podcasting for Humans, Area Code Audio founder Richard Clark invites a guest on the show for an open, honest, and vulnerable conversation about the doubts, struggles, and problems that come with making a podcast.